Invoice Finance

Invoice Finance is essentially a term loan provided based on the value of unpaid invoices. It is utilised when the immediate cash flow of the organisation is insufficient to cover day-to-day running expenses and to ensure the smooth flow of regular operations.

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Invoice Finance

What is Invoice Finance?

Invoice finance, also known as invoice discounting or cash flow finance, is a non-traditional form of financial lending that provides immediate cash flow to an organisation. This enables the organisation to pay its bills promptly and maintain a healthy cash flow. It is an ideal solution for those seeking a loan that can be utilised immediately.

If your business requires finance or funding, we are here to assist. Our access to a diverse range of funding options and facilities, including factoring, invoice finance, working capital loans, and lease buy-outs, allows us to diligently work towards arranging the best funding option for your business.

What are the funding terms & amounts?

Rolling contracts for as long as you need them

Loan amounts over £25,000

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The experts at MJ Capital Finance can work with you to ensure there is Invoice Finance available at times when it’s needed. Why not get in touch to discuss your requirement for Invoice Finance in more detail? We’ll happily talk you through all available options because if your business doesn’t qualify for Invoice Finance, there are lots more loan products that could be more suitable.