Cash Flow Loans

Working capital loans are employed to give a company’s cash flow and readily available funds a positive boost. If a company is experiencing a shortfall in cash flow and working capital, this can have an adverse effect on its ability to operate effectively and efficiently.

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Cash Flow Loans

What are Cash Flow Loans?

Working capital loans are utilised to provide a positive boost to a company’s cash flow and readily available funds. Should a company encounter a deficit in cash flow and working capital, this could adversely affect its ability to operate with effectiveness and efficiency. Working Capital Financing differs from conventional bank loans as it lacks revolving or term-based structures. Typically, a lender imposes a flat fee or a percentage of the total loan amount, payable over the duration of the loan. Repayment of a Working Capital Funding loan may not occur for years after issuance, and these loans are often unsecured. They are generally accessible to mid-sized companies and are not intended for personal financing.

If your business requires finance or funding, we are here to assist. We have access to a wide array of funding options and facilities, ranging from factoring to invoice finance, working capital loans, and lease buy-outs. Indeed, if your business requires cash, we are committed to diligently arranging the most suitable funding option for your needs.

What are the funding terms & amounts?

Loan terms between 6 months and 5 years with fixed monthly payments

Loan amounts over £2,000

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The experts at MJ Capital Finance can work with you to ensure there is Cash Flow Loans available at times when it’s needed. Why not get in touch to discuss your requirement for Cash Flow Loans in more detail? We’ll happily talk you through all available options because if your business doesn’t qualify for Cash Flow Loans, there are lots more loan products that could be more suitable.